
Advent Devotional Guide

Wednesday, December 23

Posted by Jennifer Childs on with 2 Comments

Rescue: the act of saving someone/something from a distressing situation.

My rescue story started the day I was born, as did all of ours I’m sure; however, after a complicated delivery my parents were told, “She will not make it through the next couple of hours, then, she will not make it through the night.”  Four months later, when I was able to finally come home from the hospital, they were told that they really needed to consider placing me in a home, for I would be severely disabled.  I would never walk, talk, play the piano (and yes they listed this, more on that later), and my loving parents said, “but God”. 

I was covered in prayer, and covered by parents who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who knew that we serve a God who makes all things possible.  So, they began therapy for me, surgeries (to date I’ve had around 20), and every year I progressed more and more. 

During my yearly check up at the age of 5, the doctor who had cried with my parents the night I was born told them. . .I have witnessed a miracle with your daughter.  How much more rescue is that?! I know there was a reason I was to live, if for nothing else but to witness to that doctor that medicine, while a lifesaver, can only take us so far.

I’ve heard my whole life that He only gives you what you can bear.  I don’t believe that, I believe He gives you more sometimes to see you grow, to mature in your faith and to strengthen your dependence on Him.  We are His children, and He wants so much more for us that we even imagine. 

I have been blessed that I was able to send that doctor an invitation to my high school graduation, my college graduation, my law school graduation, my wedding (which he attended) and yes to my piano recital. . .but God.

—Jennifer Childs

Light: The candle of PEACE

Read: The Light of the whole world, JSB p. 184 (Luke 2)

Ask: Where have you seen Jesus this Advent season?

Is there someone with whom you need to share the good news of Jesus? 

Pray: Ask for courage to share the good news of Jesus.

Jesse Tree Ornament: Shepherd

Act: Share God’s good news! Grab a friend (or a stranger!) and share what God’s been doing in your life this season.

Listen: O Come All Ye Faithful


Cindi Latson December 24, 2015 8:13am

Jennifer, thank you for sharing this miraculous story! "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine..." Your rescue story reminds me of His immeasurably more!

sue creel December 27, 2015 1:12am

Amazing what God can do & does do when we open our eyes & hearts to him.
