
Advent Devotional Guide

Tuesday, December 1

Posted by Rocky Barnette on with 2 Comments

James 4:14, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”

I graduated from Warren Central high school in 2001, didn’t go to college, almost joined the military, and ended up getting a job at a local garden center. For the most part, I didn’t have any responsibilities other than giving money to my mother for my truck note. I lived at home and blew my money on partying. Fast forward to late 2004: I was 21 years old, sharing an apartment with my girlfriend, and I had been abusing various drugs for about 4 or 5 years. Everything in my life that meant something to me was actually pretty meaningless. Most of my relationships were centered on the drug culture. I was working for a landscape company with other like-minded individuals. I guess I was just drifting aimlessly through life.

I believe it was on Thanksgiving Day of that year, that my uncle planted a seed that would change my life forever. We were at my grandparents’ house for the holiday, and everyone in the family was there. At some point during the day, my uncle and I were having a conversation about something random and he simply invited me to church. I told him that that sounded like a good idea, and I forgot about it. At the time, I knew that I needed a change, but I didn’t allow myself to care about it much. Well, a few weeks later I was alone at work, and I just started thinking about my life. It occurred to me that my life had become drenched with falsehoods. False emotions. False friendships. False hopes. You name it. It was at that time that I remembered that simple invitation to church. I immediately called my uncle, who was actually really surprised to hear from me, and I let him know that I wanted to go with him. This happened to be the middle of the week, so he invited me to come that night. The rest is history.

Over the next couple months, I began to study the word with my uncle and other folks at this little church in Vicksburg, Mississippi. I learned a lot about myself and a lot about the one who came to my rescue. There was a fellow at church that took time out for me. He invited me into his home for coffee, bible study, and these awesome cookies that his daughter made. One of the first verses that he pointed out to me over a cup of coffee was James 4:14, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” After he read that verse, he pointed to his cup of coffee, and said, “Rock, your life is just like the steam coming of this cup. You’re here for a second, and before you know it, you’re gone.” That has always stuck with me. We’ve got to make the most of our time here. Christ rescued me in my time of need; therefore, I must be willing rescue others in their time need.

You see, I didn’t realize I needed rescuing. I thought I was just gonna make a few changes and move on. What actually happened was a transformation. A little seed was planted in my life by that little invitation to come to church. There are many ways that we try to reach people for Christ, but sometimes it helps to just keep it simple. “Hey man, why don’t ya come to church with me one day?” That’s all it took to change my life for eternity. It’s been one heck of a ride, and it always has its high points and low points. I’ve been rescued many times since, but this is where it all started.

By the way, that man that I had coffee with that night would end up being my father-in-law, and those wonderful cookies were made by his daughter who was there earlier that day. You never know how it will pan out.

—Rocky Barnette

Light: The candle of HOPE

Read: The Story and The Song, JSB p. 12 (Psalm 19, Hebrews 1)

Ask: Are you good at waiting? Why or why not? Are some things easier to wait on than others?

What is one hope you have for yourself, your family, or your community this Advent season? How will you make that a reality?

Pray: Thank God for promising to send Jesus to rescue us from our sins. Ask for open hearts and eyes to what God has planned for this Advent season.

Jesse Tree Ornament: Tree 

Act: Adults, make plans for a fun Christmas activity this season that your children will love – watching a Christmas movie, baking Christmas cookies, viewing Christmas lights. At the end of your Advent time, promise your kids you will do something special to celebrate Advent together, but don’t tell them when or what that something special will be. As the days go by, remind them of your promise, and watch their expectation and excitement grow. Use this as an opportunity to remind them of God’s promise to send a Rescuer, and talk about the anticipation God’s people felt as they waited for their Rescuer.

Listen: O Come, O Come Emmanuel


Amanda Lucas December 1, 2015 7:39am

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story and reminding us that simple gestures can have tremendous impact.

Anonymous December 14, 2015 8:05pm

Thank you!
