
Advent Devotional Guide

Monday, December 7

Posted by Larry Stowe on

Hello, my name is Judy Stowe. My life began as many of yours did, I am sure. I had a happy childhood, met and fell in love with the man of my dreams, and had two lovely daughters. We moved from our home in Georgia several times, eventually landing in Brandon, Mississippi.

At age 29, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was terrified but filled with hope that God knew my family needed me. Surgery and treatments seemed to provide a cure. God had rescued me or at least I thought he had.

After being in remission for seven years, my cancer returned, spreading to several different organs. We sought treatment at M.D. Anderson hospital in Houston, Texas, where I met some amazing people, many of whom were in much worse condition then I was.

Oh, you want to know how I felt? Let’s see - scared; terrified actually. I was only 36 and my girls were young. I needed to be there for them and for Larry. The treatments were terrible. I had sores in my mouth, making it difficult to eat.  I lost my hair twice, I had seizures and balance issues that were hard to control. Despite our best efforts, the cancer continued to spread. God, I pleaded, I do not want to die.

On September 15, 1991, God rescued me. I told my friend, Sharon Cannon, that I was going home. She thought I meant to Brandon, but I had seen Jesus and he was calling me home.

I had been rescued, not in the way that I thought or even prayed for, but what a glorious place I found myself in. There is no more pain, no sorrow, and one of the best things. “THERE IS NO CANCER IN HEAVEN.” 

Letting Jesus rescue you means letting go, putting yourself in His hands, and under His total control. It is a freeing feeling.

So trust Jesus to rescue you in His own way and time. In the meantime, continue to fight the good fight, love each other, help those that you can, and I look forward to the day that we are together.

—Larry Stowe

Light: The candle of LOVE

Read: The present, JSB p. 62 (Genesis 22)

Ask: What is the best present you’ve ever received? What is the best present you’ve given?

Is there something God is asking you to sacrifice this Advent season?

Pray: Ask God to provide for people in need. Ask God to provide the resources Touch a Life needs to help others.

Ask for the help to love God more than anyone or anything else.

Jesse Tree Ornament: Ram 

Act: Make a list of at least 5 different ways God has provided for your family. Put the list on your refrigerator or hang it on your tree as a reminder of God’s provision.

